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Training Band and Senior Band

Joining the Band: Lessons


Want to try something new?

The aims of the Training Band are to; promote enjoyment of music through the teaching of playing a brass instrument and to read music. We maintain links with the Senior Band by encouraging its experienced members to either listen or to sit alongside members of the Training Band. The ultimate role of the Training Band is to coach players to become members of the Abingdon Town Senior Band.
If you would like to come along to rehearsals, or are interested in learning a brass instrument, please contact us.



If you already play, why not come along?

Lead by the masterful Steve Rich, the Senior Band focus on bringing joy and entertainment to all who want to listen. They play at many events such as the Remembrance Service, Windsor Castle and more. The aim is to bring the joy of not only listening to music, but playing it also to everyone. If you are experienced, and have played a brass instrument before, why not join the Senior Band in helping express their passion of music.

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